Well, the Super Bowl again catered to the Boomers.
Here we had a group of musicians that would have never been taken seriously when the Boomers were young. Remember that Pete Townsend (I think) wanted to die before he was 30 because it was so old! Now we have these old rookers that for some reason still get audiences. Could it be that the youth today are forced to live through the nostalgia of their parents the same way we lived through the Swing music of our parents? I actually like swing but it certainly was not the music of my generation.
To me the real irony is that early rock was so connected to sex appeal and those who made it big then should be so interesting (sexy?) today. Their sex appeal is now sex repel. At least the Stones have been creating new music throughout their career but their image is still one of the bad boys so obviously now the corporate boys! Alas, it must be hard to give up the spotlight.
It is clear that the Boomers still control the market. Otherwise the Super Bowl would have catered to today's youth. Rock is not necessarily the music of the adolescent class but the leading market class. The Grammy's only reinforced that. What a tragedy to be young now and not have the marketplace paying any attention to you. But Boomers, just you wait, there is a bigger population buldge coming up (milenials) who will make you a forgotten generation. They will set cultural taste, music, clothes, sports, food, drug of choice, the look of sexy, everything -- and all the Boomers can do is watch.
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