Monday, June 19, 2006

America Sings?

I flew to Hawaii last week and tried to pass the boredom of the flight by actually reading the airline magazine. And unexpectedly I learned something that underpinned my belief that American has lost its voice. The three most sung songs were listed:

1) Happy Birthday
2) Auld Lang Syne
3) For He's a Jolly Good Fellow

So... what does that tell us? That on any given day there are probably hundreds of birthdays. And.. from my experience in restaurants that song is not well known.

ONLY ONE DAY A YEAR is the second song relevant! So what do people sing the other 364 days?

And... to think there are so few jolly good fellows is disturbing.

Sing along!


Monday, June 12, 2006

Narrow winding road

Thank you for having me as a part of this blog. It is such an honor to be interacting with two people I admire so much. And I admire them for the usual and the unusual elements of their personality. For instance their ability to be completely absurd. A lost art form for many people. Imagine: Hawaii, a light blue Chrysler Van, the Megill twins at the helm driving around the beautiful island of Maui. The road narrows, then narrows again, and yet again until the width of the van tempts the cliff to our left. And then the sign: NARROW WINDING ROAD. And while most would balk at the perilous nature of the road-- the Megill twins "sing the sign" to the beatles tune, "Long and Winding Road."--go ahead and sing it to yourself--Narrow winding road. . . Being a family of musicians and singers we break into the song-- descant and percussion hits included. The perilous turned absurdly funny. And of course centered around music.
Thanks for having me on board guys.
Now if only I could get the song out of my head!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Welcome Beth

Well, we have a new blog member. Beth Megill (yes she is related) teaches Dance at Fresno City College. She has taught at the University of Wisconsin in Stevens Point. She travels all over the world and works in Mexico with a dance company each summer. She is the only dance choreographer that is conscious of the elements of music that I know. So she will be putting in entries from a new perspective. Beth has some interesting projects which we will all want to follow.

Dive in Beth.


Friday, June 02, 2006

The Foundation

The site of the music building has been leveled and they are preparing to pour some cement. Dave and I Seway past the site just to see what is happening. The hole makes no sense to my eye - but Hey! I'm a musician. They say 15 more months before we can make any music in the "new building" (which of course is just growing.)
