Friday, July 22, 2005

Off to Merlot

The Merlot conference is this week. If you haven't seen this site it is very cool and has valuable online modules for teachers in many disciplines.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Server Down

Well it was a long day. The server went down (hard drive failure). We actually found the data after about 12 hours and didn't end up losing anything. So it should be ready to go!!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Add to online courses?

Dave and I are looking at the use of a blog in one of our courses. The first question is to see if there really is a need or we are caught trying another new toy. Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Why this Blog?

This blog is for use in all classes written by the Megills. Postings about the courses as well as technical matters that might be useful will be posted here. Many of the postings will allow users to reply. We hope this will create a communication channel between the students who use the courses and the authors.

So What is eMegill?

We are a couple of guys who develop online music classes (mostly for college level use).